Saturday, February 13, 2010

Five Steps to Manifesting Your Goals - by Gini Grey

What do you want to manifest for yourself over the next year? Here some steps to follow which will support you in achieving your goals.

1) Know What You Want: If we don't have a destination in mind, we are likely to stay where we are. Use your imagination to envision your ideal lifestyle, dream job, fulfilling relationships, balanced health or whatever your heart desires. To help motivate you towards your goal ask yourself why you want it. What will it do for you? How will you feel when you get it? Spending five minutes each day imagining having your goal and what it would look and feel like will inspire you to move towards it as well as start attracting it to you.

2) Take Action with Ease: Even with the best laid plans of action, glitches can occur, blocks can pop up and obstacles can threaten to halt our progress. When we move into resistance or try to deal with the situation from an attitude of struggle, the problems usually loom bigger than before or get lodged into place. By maintaining an attitude of trust and taking action from a place of effortless ease, obstacles miraculously melt away or new opportunities reveal themselves. Simply notice if your body is tense or your mood grumpy and take this as a signal to take a break, breath deeply or find something to laugh at as a way to move back into a state of ease.

3) Let Go of the Process and Outcome: Planning action steps toward our goals is very important, but if we get fixated on them or on the final outcome we can actually impede our own progress. Focusing too specifically on how something is supposed to occur creates tunnel vision and blocks the abundance of opportunities waiting on the outskirts. Practice being flexible and open to new ways of doing things and see how much more quickly and simply you achieve your goals.

4) Be Able to Have Your Desires: Feeling undeserving, guilty or not good enough will keep our goals from manifesting. Even if on the surface we feel great about having our desires, if we harbor any underlying doubt or limiting beliefs we will find a way to sabotage our own best interests. Use your imagination again to envision actually having what you want in your life and notice if any uncomfortable feelings or thoughts come up that say no to this. Imagine releasing them right out of your space and see them drift away into nothingness. You can learn to shift and release any blocks in order to create whatever you want in your life.

5) Maintain a State of Abundance: Like attracts like so if we want more of anything in our life we need to be in a state of abundance, feeling grateful for all the wonderful things we already have in our life and feeling optimistic about attracting more greatness into our life. If we focus on what's missing or going wrong in our life, we'll simply attract more of that, so use your imagination to inspire you into an uplifting mood in order to manifest all your goals.

All are golden words for life and to manifest our goals.Follow on,live a successful life,cheers.

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