Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Strategies to Build India as a Strong Human Capital Brand

I presented this paper in a MMA conference during my PG.It dealt with the strategies to build India as a strong human capital brand.

While the physical capital is no longer the main problem for India, they need to improve their human capital by giving them appropriate skill and knowledge.This paper argued that a range of further measures need to be undertaken to provide a stronger institutional framework for improving educational endowments, as well as public service delivery more generally to build India as a strong human capital brand.

Demographic indicators show a huge potential pool of young talent in India, employers are finding that many are unemployable, as they lack practical, job-related skills. To elaborate on this, while the number of new engineers coming out of college every year is fairly large – between 300,000 and 400,000 – studies have shown that only between 10 percent and 25 percent of them are actually employable.

The strategies i suggested to build India as a strong human capital brand are given in points as follows.

Human capital Development before an individual enter into the organization

Role of Government:

# Improve the efficiency of basic educational services
# “No-child left behind”. Ensuring all children receive education
# Boost the returns on education
# Encourage competition in education.
# Investments on Research & development
# Making the education system more responsive to market needs
# Increasing university-industry partnerships

Role of Public:

“We all have a role in building human capital”

$ Involve communities and parents to monitor and evaluate school performance to a much greater degree.
$ Provide funds to educational institutions.
$ Create awareness among underprivileged groups about the importance of education.
$ Participate in Non formal education to school children
$ Take up career in Teaching.

Role of Organizations:

* “Adopt a village” program
* Boosting private Investments in education
* Technological support from the corporate
* Sponsoring underprivileged students
* Promoting non-formal education
* Supporting non academic skill development programs
* Scholarships and loan facilities for meritorious students aspiring higher education.

Human capital Development after an individual enter into the organization

o Enhance training activities and review performance periodically.
o Retain employees by providing proper incentives and maintaining friendly work culture.
o Identify skills and match jobs accordingly
o Sponsor for employees to do their higher education
o Frequent feedback to individual regarding performance.
o Emphasis on team work and empowerment

The delivery of educational services in India needs to be improved significantly to make India as a strong Human capital brand. The government, public and private should join hands to Improve human capital skills. Humans are the only appreciating asset India is rich in that, lets make it effective through strong education base to challenge 21st century.

“Let’s join hands in Developing a strong Human Capital
Building strong human capital – builds strong India”.

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